Service Options

Benefits of ErieNet’s service

  • Costs remain constant for the period of the lease. Customers control capacity via end-user-owned electronics installed on the ends of the fiber. This will be attractive to many ErieNET customers. Every year bandwidth requirements are increasing and with that, the costs paid to service providers. Since our fees are not capacity related, the customer creates their own bandwidth models transparent to ErieNET

  • The dark fiber system installed is for the customer’s exclusive use, no other customer traffic will utilize the leased fiber strands. The fiber is not subject to security tapping such as those inherent in wireless and wireline technologies

  • ErieNET will use the highest grade of fiber optic cabling, making the customer’s network virtually error-free. In addition, ring configuration will allow ErieNET fiber customers to establish diverse routing and redundancy providing a desirable fault-tolerant networking environment for customers.

  • With virtually unlimited bandwidth, ErieNET provides the customer with complete control over network expansion.

  • ErieNET will use the latest, state-of-the-art fiber optic facilities available; the backbone will support any technology developed for fiber infrastructure in the near future.

  • SONET, CWDN, DWDM, Gigabit, Ethernet, and Video technologies which are widely implemented throughout the network and can operate over ErieNET Fiber optic backbone. This provides investment protection to those technologies implemented and being used throughout the County.

  • Winning a contract

    Indefeasible Right of Use

    IRUs include a one-time price based on the number of strands in the IRU and route miles. In addition, there is an annual maintenance fee based on the number of strands leased. Lastly, there is an installation fee based on individual case basis pricing.

    Term: 20-30 years.

  • Lease Agreement


    Monthly fee based on the connection of two endpoints with 2 fibers sometimes referred to as a Span. There is also an installation fee.

    Lease agreements are typically 1-, 3-, 5- and 10-year arrangements.